There are messier birds. I get that. Madcap's tail is like a broom that sweeps his seeds and pellets everywhere! I should vacuum at least every other day and I can no longer walk around barefoot without getting some type of bird food on my feet. I think its cute when he takes a bath but he splashes pretty far for a small bird. While reading about GCC I thought that people were exaggerating about vacuuming every day, changing water three times a day, even newspapers twice a day! It really is that bad though. They really do chew on everything. EVERYTHING. However don't let them chew on everything because chances are whatever they are chewing on is bad for them. That being said, they really do need lots of toys. Currently Madcap has five chew toys and one coconut hut. He likes to dangle upside down on his toys. No, that's not lots of toys, but he spends LOTS of time out of the cage. Four or five hours. He also has a bird gym. (I wanted to make my own but didn't have time. I think it could have had more stuff and been less expensive. Oh well, he loves it.)
I pretty much love him to death. I ruffle the feathers on his neck and he closes his eyes and makes a little quacking sound.
Recap: If you want to adopt a GCC REMEMBER they are really messy, needs lots of attention, ARE expensive-not just the initial cost, but the vet cost, cage, toys, food. I've probably spent close to $400.00 on him already. Takes lots of patience to teach them manners.
Very endearing, irresistible, birds but be responsible when considering one for a pet.
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